Whether you are a new denture wearer or you’ve been wearing dentures for several years, you should not only be happy with the appearance of your smile but also with the way your mouth feels. Ill-fitting dentures are more than a nuisance. They can cause embarrassment if a denture should happen to slip while you’re talking or eating. And if they rub against delicate gum tissue, then irritation and sores can be an oral health threat. Dr. Baldwin has been providing well-fitting dentures in Arlington for many years. If your dentures need adjustment or if you’d like to consider implant-retained dentures, then the team at Foundation Dental Solutions can help!
Simply Stunning Dentures in Arlington
As the name suggests, the dentures that Dr. Baldwin creates are, well, simply stunning. But this is not only a matter of appearances. What is also stunning is the way these dentures fit. Dr. Baldwin employs an advanced impression technique that uses your own musculature in order to create a base that fits more precisely along your gum ridge. With this impression, patients are able to enjoy the comfort of a soft base on the lower denture that also provides greater security.
Implant-Retained Dentures in Arlington
For the most comfortable fit, there are implant-retained dentures. With these, Dr. Baldwin, your implant dentist in Arlington, carefully places dental implants along one or both arches of teeth. With the aid of Cone Beam CT technology, Dr. Baldwin is able to position each implant in order to take advantage of the greatest bone density in your jaw. This way, you can be sure your implants will be entirely permanent and secure.
Another advantage of dental implants in Arlington is the stimulation they provide to your jaw. With removable dentures that rest on top of your gums, you always run the risk of bone resorption. Essentially, this means that your jaw loses bone tissue and begins to shrink, giving you an aged and haggard appearance.
Dental implants, on the other hand, act just like tooth roots, stimulating healthy new bone tissue growth so your jaw maintains a natural and more youthful shape.
Dr. Baldwin offers two types of implant-retained dentures. Removable overdentures are fastened to dental implants, but you can take them out for cleaning and soaking overnight. Alternatively, non-removable fixed dentures permanently replace missing teeth and can only be removed by Dr. Baldwin.
Contact Our Office Today for Removable or Implant-Retained Dentures
Don’t think you have to tolerate dentures that are uncomfortable or loose. Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Baldwin at Foundation Dental Solutions. He will work with you to ensure that your dentures provide the smile and performance you deserve.