If you are considering having your missing teeth replaced with implant-retained dentures, then you may want to consider All-On-4 dentures. These combine the security of dental implants with the convenience and attractive appearance of fixed dentures. Also know as hybrid dentures, in Arlington these have an excellent rate of success and longevity. Of course, there are steps you can take to ensure the integrity of your new dental implants and the attached prosthesis. Read on for more information.
Hybrid Dentures: A Two-Part Story
When we consider the longevity of hybrid dentures, we must look at the lifespan of the dental implants and the prosthesis separately. So far, the longest study conducted on All-On-4 dental implants marks 10 years. At this point, they do comparably well to other dental implant systems. At five years, the implant survival rate was 98 percent, and at 10 years the survival rate was 95 percent.
The dentures are extremely strong and sturdy. In one study of 242 dentures, there wasn’t a single failure. Thus, over the course of 10 years, you can certainly expect your dentures to last as long and as well as your dental implants.
Making Sure Your Hybrid Dentures Last
There are a few steps you can take to ensure and extend the longevity of your dental implants and dentures in Arlington.
First, make sure the dentist performing the procedure is a certified All-on-4 provider and a member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. Seeing an experienced implant dentist will set you on the road to success.
Secondly, maintain good oral hygiene. Just as natural teeth need daily cleaning, so do your dental implants and dentures. Brush at least twice a day and clean around the implants as your dentist in Arlington instructs you to do. And be sure to schedule dental checkups at least twice each year. These visits give the dentist and his team a chance to confirm the integrity of your implants and ward off any potential problems before they become serious.
Finally, you’ll need to do what’s necessary to stay in good overall health, too. The success of dental implants depends on the condition of your bones, and bones need proper nutrition to stay healthy. Eat a variety of healthy foods to ensure your body receives necessary vitamins and minerals. And because your jawbone needs stimulation to stay strong (just like all of your body’s bones), be sure to eat fresh, crisp foods and avoid an entirely soft diet after your dental implants are fully integrated.
If you would like to know more about how you can extend the life of your hybrid dentures, an Arlington dentist can help. Call today to schedule a consultation.
Meet the Doctor
Dr. Douglas Baldwin is a family and cosmetic dentist in Arlington, Texas. He and his team provide a complete menu of dental services to patients of all ages. Call Foundation Dental Solutions today to schedule an appointment.