Can’t sleep because of tooth pain? Just as you feel yourself entering into a dream, you suddenly wake up reaching for your mouth and cringing as a result of the discomfort. This can certainly be one of the most uncomfortable and frustrating situations. Not only are you in pain but you’re also lacking the necessary sleep to ensure you can fully function tomorrow. A dentist is here to share 3 simple ways you can start feeling relief and getting better sleep even while dealing with a toothache at night.
(more…)3 Ways to Achieve Sleep When Battling a Toothache at Night
June 3, 2021
Coffee Stains: How to Minimize Yellow Teeth Caused by Your Morning Cup of Joe
May 10, 2021
Are you like most people who must enjoy a nice, hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning? Not only does it smell enticing, but its jolt of caffeine helps you to kickstart your day, right? While it may get you going on your way to work, the unfortunate reality is that its contents can remain on your teeth long after you’ve finished your first cup. Unless you’re prepared with a glass of water or your toothbrush, this delectable beverage can wreak havoc on your smile, leaving behind stained, yellow teeth. A local dentist explains why it may be time to break up with your coffee and what you can do to minimize discoloration over time.
(more…)Will I Have Sleep Apnea the Rest of My Life?
April 23, 2021
If you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you may wonder if you’ll ever be free of this condition. Untreated symptoms can wreak havoc on your overall health, causing a strain on your personal and professional life. But once you start treatment, is it possible for sleep apnea to go away? A local dentist shares the truth about living with OSA and what you can do to minimize your symptoms.
(more…)Learn How to Break the Vicious Cycle of Weight Gain and Sleep Apnea
April 12, 2021
Are you suffering from weight gain and sleep apnea? Much research has shown the two go hand-in-hand and can create a difficult and unpleasant day-to-day experience for fatigued and overweight individuals. If you’re ready to do something to change your habits, start getting the rest you need, and embrace a healthier lifestyle, a local dentist explains how you can break the cycle once and for all.
(more…)How to Combat Seasonal Allergies Without Damaging Your Smile
March 23, 2021
Spring has arrived! Not only does this time of year mean temperatures are slowly rising, trees are blooming, and days are longer, but it also means seasonal allergies for many sufferers. Between blowing your runny nose, managing a gnarly cough, and battling itchy eyes, you’re likely reaching for every drug store concoction to achieve relief. While it may seem as if your nose, throat, and eyes are the only areas feeling the pain, the reality is that there is a link between seasonal allergies and dental health. To keep your teeth and gums from experiencing the negative impact of spring, a dentist explains what you can do at home.
(more…)Discover How Chronic Stress is Negatively Impacting Your Smile
March 10, 2021
Do you find that the current global pandemic is causing you to experience chronic stress? Between work, family, school, and all other important aspects of life, the culmination of trying to keep it all together can become overwhelming. The result is not only felt throughout your body but also in your mind and your mouth. If the idea of stress negatively impacting your smile seems far-reaching, it’s not. A local dentist explains how the changes you’re experiencing can lead to serious oral health problems as well as what you can do to minimize stress and safeguard your smile.
(more…)The Cost of Dental Implants: Can They Save You Money?
February 24, 2021
When meeting with your dentist to discuss your tooth replacement options, it is likely one of the most important factors is the price. There’s no denying that dental implant cost is significantly higher than more traditional solutions; however, when you begin to compare the time spent maintaining a fixed bridge or denture as well as the money spent on replacements, you may find dental implants to be more cost-effective than you originally thought. Read on to find out more about these superior prosthetics and why they’re worth the investment.
(more…)Will My Dental Implants Feel Natural?
February 10, 2021
If you like the idea of having dental implants replace your missing teeth, you’re not alone. For years, people have turned to these unique prosthetics as a way to recapture their youthful appearance while improving the state of their oral health. Designed to offer permanence, stability, and a longer-lasting smile, it’s no wonder they are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement. But will they feel natural once they are surgically placed? A dentist shares what you can expect when receiving your implants and why they’re still the best choice to replace missing teeth.
(more…)Sleep Apnea and Anxiety: Is There a Link?
January 18, 2021
Whether you are aware of it or not, anxiety and sleep apnea are connected. It makes sense if you think about it, as feelings of stress and fear can often keep individuals up at night. It is also possible for someone who experiences sleep apnea and suffers from chronic fatigue to become anxious and worried because of their brain’s inability to handle stress. Read on as an expert further explains the connection and what can be done to treat it.
(more…)3 Reasons to Have a Dental Checkup at the Start of the New Year
January 10, 2021
The new year has arrived, which means you probably have a laundry list of resolutions you are already working on or are planning to start “next Monday.” If taking better care of your smile is part of your 2021 goals, why not start today with a dental checkup? You know the importance of these regular visits, but life often gets in the way, causing a busy schedule to take precedent over a necessary dental appointment. A local dentist invites you to read the following article to discover the 3 reasons why there’s no better time than now to get in for a checkup and cleaning.